So this is my first entry in quite some time! That doesn’t mean I took an extended break from Information Technology. Quite the opposite actually! I have been quite busy. I was able to get my foot in the door by landing a IT Specialist support role with TEKsystems, doing VIP Support for Navy and Marine personnel. It has been an eye opening experience, however, I have also been dabbling with code and have taken quite the liking to doing it. Now I am ready to dive all-in.
So I found an awesome opportunity that I am taken full advantage. App Academy has a free resource for learning Software Engineering. Their a/A open course is free of charge and offers the same curriculum as their Full-Time Coding Bootcamp; obviously without the same resources such as access to instructors, job preparation, and course mates. Which is fine because I intend to leverage the communities I have joined such as Hawaii Slack, Operation Code, and my Discord communities to actively ask questions when encountering challenges along the way.
They asked that I document my expectations for the prework, which is their Web Development Fundamentals pre-course prior to the SWE online portion. My expectations are that I will take a deeper dive into HTML and CSS concepts. I also expect to begin learning the basics of JavaScript. I already have my terminal, editor, and Git/GitHub set up to facilitate what I’m learning into action. This will be one of the most difficult tasks I take and I intend to see this through! I have built a habit of starting things and not finishing them for some reason. This time will be different because I am motivated to succeed and get my foot in the door, yet again, into Software Development.